September 20, 2022

GOED’s International Trade Division Part Of $20 Million Nationwide Program
CARSON CITY, Nev. – The Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) International Trade Division has received a $500,000 grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). GOED was awarded this funding through a competitive application process from SBA’s State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) in which $20 million was doled out to state international trade agencies.
“GOED assists Nevada small businesses in capitalizing on tremendous international economic opportunities and unlocking prospects by connecting the State with the world,” said Dijana Mitrovic, GOED International Business Development Coordinator. “STEP literally unlocks the world for these small businesses as it provides them with the opportunity to sell their services and products to 191 countries. As half of these companies are in underserved communities, this program assists in opening doors that otherwise wouldn’t have been open.”
Nevada’s STEP program provides small businesses with the information and tools they need to succeed in export-related activities. Exporting activities include participating in foreign trade missions, marketing sales trips, the designing of international marketing campaigns, participating in export trade show exhibits, and attending training workshops, among many other important means of engagement.
The $500,000 awarded to Nevada’s STEP program is the largest amount received to date in the 10-year history of STEP funding This successful program has provided more than $215 million nationally to date. This grant program plays a critical role in providing access to capital, access to markets, and access to buyers as 95 percent of the world’s consumers and two-thirds of all purchasing power is located outside of the United States.
About the Governor’s Office of Economic Development
Created during the 2011 session of the Nevada Legislature, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development is the result of a collaborative effort between the Nevada Legislature and the Governor’s Office to restructure economic development in the state. GOED’s role is to promote a robust, diversified, and prosperous economy in Nevada, to stimulate business expansion and retention, encourage entrepreneurial enterprise, attract new businesses and facilitate community development.
Gregory Bortolin
Director of Communications
Nevada Governor's Office of Economic Development
808 W. Nye Lane
Carson City, NV 89703
Direct: (775) 687-9917
Cell: (775) 434-3583
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